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How God Can Make the Impossible Possible

When we face impossible situations, we can find hope and strength in God. Through Jesus Christ, God can make the impossible possible. By putting our hope in Him, trusting in His timing, and tapping into the power of Christ within us, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.


Ess-jee Rautenbach

1/10/20244 min read


Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible to overcome? Maybe it was a financial crisis, a broken relationship, or a health issue. In times like these, it's easy to feel discouraged and hopeless. However, as believers, we have a powerful source of hope and strength - God. Through Jesus Christ, God can make the impossible possible. In this blog post, we will explore how God works in our lives and how we can put our hope in Him.

These are three stories from the Bible that show how God helped his people overcome impossible challenges.

God Works for the Good of Those Who Love Him

One of the most comforting verses in the Bible is Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse reminds us that no matter what we are going through, God is working behind the scenes for our good.

It's important to note that this verse doesn't say that all things are good, but rather that God works for the good in all things. This means that even in our darkest moments, God can bring about something positive. He can use our trials and challenges to shape us, strengthen our faith, and ultimately bring glory to His name.

Putting Our Hope in God

When we face impossible situations, it's easy to put our hope in temporary solutions or human efforts. However, as believers, we are called to put our hope in God alone. Psalm 62:5 says, "Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him." Our hope should not be based on our circumstances, but on the character and promises of God.

Putting our hope in God requires trust and surrender. It means acknowledging that we cannot fix everything on our own and that we need His guidance and intervention. When we place our hope in God, we can experience peace and assurance, knowing that He is in control and working all things for our good.

Jesus Christ: The Source of our Strength

As believers, we have a powerful ally in our journey through life - Jesus Christ. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has conquered sin and death, and He now lives in us through the Holy Spirit. This means that we have access to His power, wisdom, and strength.

When we face impossible situations, we can tap into the power of Christ within us. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." This verse reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. We have the unlimited resources of God at our disposal.

Trusting God's Timing

While God is able to make the impossible possible, it's important to remember that His ways are not our ways, and His timing is not our timing. Sometimes, God allows us to go through difficult seasons to teach us valuable lessons or to prepare us for what's ahead.

During these times, it's crucial to trust in God's perfect timing. Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways... As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Even when we don't understand why things are happening the way they are, we can trust that God has a greater plan and purpose.


When we face impossible situations, we can find hope and strength in God. Through Jesus Christ, God can make the impossible possible. By putting our hope in Him, trusting in His timing, and tapping into the power of Christ within us, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

Remember Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Even when things seem impossible, God is working behind the scenes, and He will make your crooked places straight.

Some examples of real life scenarios where people have achieved the impossible are: